We are excited to welcome you back in the building tomorrow for the 2024-2025 school year! Here are a few reminders to make sure we all have a fantastic first day of school:
Student drivers and car drop-off lane students must plan to arrive EARLY to ensure you can enter the school building before 7:25.
Bus riders, check the bus planner website (located on the Nash County Public School Page) for your bus stop and pick-up time.
All students will report to homeroom following the bell on the first and second days of school.
Students will receive a new schedule in homeroom that they should follow for the first day.
Pack your backpack with all your first-day essentials, including your computer, pens, and pencils, and required notebooks for your classes.
Prepare for a great school year by staying positive and setting high expectations and goals.
We are ready to welcome you here at Nash Central High. See you tomorrow!