email: cwclary@ncpschools.net
Mr. Clary
Arriving to NCHS in August of 2020, I am now a proud Bulldog despite being a Roanoke Rapids native. I have been teaching English since graduating from Campbell University in 2017. I am a "double-hump" Fighting Camel, earning my Bachelor of Arts and Master's degrees in English and Education. Other than being an English teacher, my hobbies include walking dogs, making memes, and writing letters of recommendation.

email: rfearp@ncpschools.net
Ms. Earp
I am a proud product of Nash County Public Schools. This is my 26th year in education. I graduated from North Carolina Wesleyan College (University) with a Bachelor's Degree in English Education. I graduated with the highest honors- Summa Cum Laude. I am excited to join Nash Central High School—home of the Bulldogs! Some hobbies I enjoy are spending time with my family, traveling, and food tastings. I am happily married to my husband, Ben Earp, of thirty years. We have two sons and one granddaughter of Texas.

email: jdhorne@ncpschools.net
Ms. Horne
I began my career in education in 2003. I have taught both middle and high school and I have been at NCHS since 2009. I graduated with a Communication Studies degree from UNCW and also obtained my licensure credits for teaching from there. I obtained my Masters Degree from ECU in English Education.

email: cetrull@ncpschools.net
Mrs. Winchester
This is my 11th year teaching English at Nash Central High School. I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 2013 with a Bachelor's Degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. I graduated from ECU in 2014 with a Master of Arts in Teaching degree for grades 9-12 ELA. I am blessed with an incredible family, including a husband who also teaches here and twin 7-year-olds. I currently teach English 2 and AP English 11 Language and Composition.

email: jewinchester@ncpschools.net
Mr. Winchester
Originally from Charlotte, NC, I have lived in Nash County since 2009. I graduated from NC Wesleyan with a BA in History and a BA in English in 2014. I graduated from ECU with an MA in Atlantic World History in 2016. I began teaching that same year.