
email: slarrington@ncpschools.net
Ms. Arrington
This is my 20th year in education. This is my seventh year at Nash Central High School. I have taught all of my twenty years in the high school setting. I graduated from North Carolina Central University with a B.A. in Psychology. I am also a Master's student in my last semester studying Clinical Psychology. I enjoy being with friends and family, experiencing new things, and shopping.

email: jdhill@ncpschools.net
Ms. Hill
My name is Janice Hill but my husband calls me Jan, I love gospel must. I have one grandson. I have been in the EC department for 23 years

email: tnokafor@ncpschools.net
Ms. Okafor
I'm a graduate of both Northern Nash High and UNC-Chapel Hill. I love to travel internationally and I've enjoyed living abroad as well. This is my 2nd year teaching at Nash Central High and I'm excited to continue working with our wonderful students. Go Bulldogs!

email: bsrichardson@ncpschools.net
Ms. Richardson
Hello! This is my first year teaching at NCHS where I graduated from in 2018. I attended Winston Salem State University and obtained my degree in Therapeutic Recreation. Oh yeah, I love my dog Zulu.

email: tsvaughan@ncpschools.net
Ms. Vaughn
I have taught in the Special Education field for over 30 years. I retired from education in 2020 only to return part time to NCHS in 2021. I taught at NCHS the first year it opened until 2015, so I am very happy to be a Bulldog again!
I have 2 wonderful children and 5 amazing grandchildren.

email: pawilliams@ncpschools.net
Ms. Williams
I am an (OB) Original Bulldog. I have been at Nash Central for 21 years. I work in the EC Department. I teach English for grade levels 10-12, American History, Economics and Personal Finance, and Occupational Preparation Level 4. The courses I teach are in the Occupational Course of Study Pathway.
Teacher Assistants

email: wbattle@ncpschools.net
Mr. Battle
I am a 23 year veteran in education and a St.Augustine's graduate. I love my God, wife, family, co workers .

email: ddhedgepeth@ncpschools.net
Ms. Hedgepeth
I have been a TA for 15 years at Nash Central High School. I love auto racing and reading.

email: balanier@ncpschools.net
Ms. Lanier
This is my 24 year with Nash County Public Schools. I have been at Nash Central High School since 2015. I have taught 3rd grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade, and was the computer lab teacher for 4 years at Hubbard Elementary. I currently teach in the E.C. Self Contained class and I love it. I have an associates degree in early childhood. I have 2 children, both of whom are in education as well. My daughter teaches in the E.C. self contained class at SNMS and my son is an English professor in the south of France.

email: ssmills@ncpschools.net
Ms. Mills
My career with Nash County Schools started at Spring Hope Elementary. This is my 9th year at NCHS working in Extend One. I am married and we have three beautiful children, two girls Whitney and Meghan and one son Tyler.

email: gdperry@ncpschools.net
Ms. Perry
I am a native New Yorker, where I worked as a Foster Care Social Worker for nineteen years. This is my second year as a Teacher Assistant. I have a twenty-two year old son, who is studying to be a chef.